Friday, February 5, 2010

Chapter 6 "On the Range"

What are some of the problems facing cattle ranchers?

Ranchers are facing many economic problems. Some include rising land prices, oversupplies of cattle, increased shipment of cattle from Canada and Mexico, and health scares about beef. These problems can ruin businesses. For example, nobody wants to buy beef from a rancher when there is health scare about beef. Also, rising land prices can crush a cattle rancher. He or she may not have enough room for their cattle. And with oversupplies of cattle, rising land prices are the last thing they need.

What are "captive supplies" of cattle?

"Captive supplies" of cattle are cattle that are "either maintained in company-owned feedlots or purchased in advance through forward contracts." (P. 138) These deals are kind of dishonest. These deals can lower the prices of cattle when they start to rise. They can also arrange private agreements so that the price is never revealed. The prices being paid for 80% of cattle are never disclosed.

How does the suicide rate for ranchers and farmers compare with the rate for U.S. citizens in general?

"The suicide rate among ranchers and farmers in the United States is now about three times higher than the national average." This statistic is heart-wrenching, yet it is basically ignored. They're beliefs are destroyed along with their land. The land they lose is worth so much for than money can buy. These farmers and ranchers figuratively and often literally lose their lives along with their land.

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